Google may have its Googleplex and Apple may shortly have its Doughnut – but now one of the UK's most innovative companies has launched its new, £250m version. And it's very shiny.
Dyson's £250m, 56 acre technology campus in Malmesbury was officially completed today, the company said.
Designed by James Dyson (latterly of the Leave campaign) and Chris Wilkinson over the course of 23 years, the mirrored buildings include 129 laboratories, a sports centre and an all-day cafe big enough to serve the 2,500 people working there.
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D9 is the name given to the new research building in which Dyson's top secret new projects are developed – including areas to research motors, software, electronics, energy storage, robotics and beauty.
James Dyson himself was rather poetic about the whole thing: “It is out of critical glare, in stimulating spaces, surrounded by engineering inspiration and design icons, that bright minds can breathe life into ideas.
"Bolstering our in-house testing facilities, research and laboratory spaces allows Dyson engineers to learn through every failure as they develop new technology.”
And it feels like only yesterday he donated £8m to Cambridge University to fund a new building….
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