Instagram already removes user posts that’ve been verified to contain hate speech. However, the social media platform is also going to start downranking posts that potentially contain hate speech by placing them lower in your Instagram feed.
“If our systems detect that a post may contain bullying, hate speech, or may incite violence, we’ll show it lower on Feeds and Stories of that person’s followers,” Instagram says.
The new approach will use computer algorithms capable of flagging posts suspected of containing the rule-breaking content. But because algorithms can sometimes get things wrong, the platform is merely going to downrank the content rather than delete it.
“To understand if something may break our rules, we'll look at things like if a caption is similar to a caption that previously broke our rules,” Instagram says. “We’re constantly improving our systems to be as precise as possible, not only to help remove harmful content from Instagram, but to also make our enforcement as accurate as we can.”
The other change is that Instagram will take into account the content you've previously reported. "If our systems predict you’re likely to report a post based on your history of reporting content, we will show the post lower in your Feed,” Instagram says.
According to Instagram, the goal is to show users content they’ll value “while minimizing the likelihood that you come across content that could be upsetting or make you feel unsafe.” However, the platform’s attempts to curb hate speech could draw criticism from free speech advocates who argue Instagram is trying to censor controversial points of view.
Instagram says the new policy only applies to user posts, not to user accounts. The platform is also testing a chronological feed that nixes algorithm-driven content, which it plans to launch later this year.