Amazon’s latest revamp of its mid-tier e-reader launches today. Here’s what you get compared to the previous version.
Alaina Yee (PC World) on 27 October, 2021 00:00
Our pick for the best Kindle just got an overhaul. The KindlePaperwhite now sports a larger screen, faster hardware, longerbattery life, and the addition of an amber tone for the front lightas new standout features, and that's just the headliners. (Fans ofthe USB-C connector can rest easy at last.)
But the new Paperwhitealso costs more, especially if you want the version with morestorage. To make it easier to decide if you want to upgrade (orwhich version you want if you see the 2018 edition onsale), we've highlighted the key differences for you, along withputting the full specifications for each side-by-side.
The 2021 model of the Paperwhite is larger than the 2018version. It's about a quarter-inch (7mm~) taller and wider. It doesremain about the same thickness, though.
The new Paperwhite has a screen size of 6.8-inches (172mm),which gives you about another 3/4-inch of real estate. The 2018model has a 6-inch (152mm) display.
The new Paperwhite models tips the scale by nearly a full extraounce compared to its predecessor. The 2021 Kindle Paperwhiteweighs 7.23 ounces (205g), and the Signature Edition variant weighs7.34 ounces (208g). The 2018 Kindle Paperweight is a daintier 6.04ounces (182g) for the Wi-Fi version, and 6.8 ounces (191g) for theWi-Fi + Cellular version.
The likely reason for the new Kindle Paperwhite's heavier weightis its longer battery life. Amazon says you should get up to 10weeks of reading on the 2021 edition, up from the 2018 version'smax of 6 weeks. (Both estimates presume 30 minutes of reading perday, with Wi-Fi off and a setting of 13 for the light.)
You can change thecolor of the front lights from white to amber on the new Paperwhitemodels.Amazon
According to Amazon, the 2021 Paperwhite's display is 10-percentbrighter at maximum compared to the 2018 version. Also related toscreen brightness: The Signature Edition comes with the ability toautomatically adjust brightness based on ambient lightingconditions.
On the 2021 Kindle Paperwhite, you can change the color of thefront light from white to amber. This new feature is meant toprovide better nighttime reading (and better sleep hygiene). Youcan even schedule the change between the cool and warmlighting.
Amazon doesn't reveal technical details about the processors andscreens it uses in its Kindles, nor can you reasonably benchmarkthe e-readers. But according to the company, the 2021 KindlePaperwhite has 20-percent faster page turns compared to the 2018model.
People have wanted companies to ditch micro-USB connectors foryears—and Amazon's finally done it for the Paperwhite. The 2021version uses USB-C for charging, which means you won't have tothink about which way to plug in the cable anymore.
Those who go for the more luxe version of the new Paperwhitealso get the option to use wireless charging. The Signature Editionsupports 10W Qi chargers, though you will need to purchase oneseparately (and verify compatibility before doing so).
The upgrades for the Kindle Paperwhite don't come free, alas.You'll now pay $140 for the 8GB model (up $10 from the 2018version), and $190 for the 32GB Signature Edition (up $30 from theprevious 32GB version). The Signature Edition takes a larger jumplikely due to its support for wireless charging and adaptive screenbrightness—the 8GB version lacks those features.
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